Why Marketing Matters?

Our First Blog Post
- by Jennifer H. Smith (CMSA)
As I’ve said before I’m on a mission to re-invigorate my company. I started by getting my website http://www.marketingmatters.co.za redesigned. It was a combined effort between myself and a great company called Web Guru. I was thrilled to realise that almost everything I’d written 12 years ago was still relevant to both my business, and I believe my clients today. I’d also wanted to write a blog explaining the philosophy behind my company and the website design, and saw that I’d done just that in my first blog post in 2011. (Digital was a completely different landscape at that time) So I’m re-blogging that blog now and I’ll continue to share my thoughts and ideas over the coming months. Let me know your thoughts. Click the read more button to follow through to my first blog post.

Why Marketing Matters?
- by Jennifer H. Smith (CMSA)
On LinkedIn the other day, the anniversary of my 4th year of lecturing at VEGA School of Branding came up, it seemed quite a timeous reminder of four good years of personal growth and giving back to society through lecturing into the various degrees and Honours programmes at the Durban VEGA campus.
It also comes at a time when I’ve decided to re-invigorate my own company, Marketing Mattersmm, and get back to my passion, which is to help companies grow and become great in whatever industry they are competing in.