Marketing Mentor

Short term guidance is provided to new/inexperienced brand assistants or brand managers. A programme of regular coaching sessions is developed, based on their key roles and responsibilities and also a facility to access telephonic assistance when faced with any new issues. This investment in a business’s most important assets i.e. people, allows new employees to speed up their effective, profitable contribution to bottom line results, with minimal impact on line management resources.
Successful Projects
- Talbot & Talbot - mentored marketing assistant through Internal marketing plan and brand identity guideline project
- Syavaya Travel and Tours - Mentored and managed full time marketing assistant for two years, effectively running the marketing department of Syavaya.
- Gate & Door Control (GDC) - mentored a recently graduated honours student from VEGA who was made responsible for developing the company's marketing/brand strategy. Providing guidance in every aspect of the project such that he will be able to do the next project on his own. He presented the final project to management and to the staff members once it had been approved and the project was well received.